Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family Project Update

So basically the last week I have gone about half-finishing 3 different projects before deciding I didn't like them and starting on new ones. I think I've maybe got an idea I am sticking to though. I threw some tubes that I amd going to paddle into ovals and attach a bottom too. There are four of them all in different sizes. I really wanna be able to wood fire them but that sounds like it might not be possible.....
Anyway I've been thinking about a concentration and I want to center my projects around tea.... except for the fact that I really don't like making teapots but maybe that's just because I think they are hard but maybe I'll have a chance to improve upon making them....
anyway this is a soda-fired teapot by Emily Murphy that I really liked the form of

1 comment:

  1. Check my calendar post again becasue the wood-firing is back on!
